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Help! Snake..

Victims of Much Misinformation Our beautiful township is a habitat of a variety of biodiversity that thrives in it. From birds, butterflies, insects, reptiles, our colony hosts them all. Speaking...
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विवादों में घिरा नारी दिवस

यत्रा नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते, रमंते तत्रा देवता ‘कह कर प्राचीन काल से ही नारी को अत्यंत महत्व दिया गया है। मुगल काल में नारी की इस प्रतिष्ठा में अवनति हुई क्योंकि...

The Uproar over Dogs

by Nitya Of late, there’s been a lot of hullabaloo about dogs- pets and strays alike, owing to a few dog biting incidents that surfaced in the recent past. People...