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A Society Is Where People Live, Celebrate and Play Together
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A Society Is Where People Live, Celebrate and Play Together

Silvercity’s Sports Carnival culminated on 26 January with the Sports Day. The regular feature in Silvercity is organizing sports on Republic Day. The two years’ break in organizing the event
on this scale, due to Covid, was made up this year by organizing a Sports Carnival with an added bonanza of excitement and enthusiasm that ran high in all the events with huge participation.

Yet again, the residents came together to take part in the sportsperson spirit and participated in the various events. There were races for all age categories where each other vied to reach the finish point in record time. The cycling event was electrifying for the cyclist as well as those cheering loud for them. The skating event displayed the skill with which those who made to the finish and those who could not were equally agile and skilful. The fun during arm wrestling was the high point and the crowd had a great time backing those with locked hands. There was high participation in the lemon-and-spoon race which had different groups.

The winter chill on that day was no deterrent. In fact the high spirit that ran among the participants was infectious; it spread also among the residents that were mere spectators! With so many people participating in the various events, fitness was definitely on everyone’s mind.
The garden competition was also held the same day. 

The culmination of the events spread over weeks was with the Prize Distribution ceremony. Over 250+ prizes and certificates were handed over to the winners of the various competitions! 
Kudos to the RWA for promoting and encouraging sports, and thereby giving opportunity for developing sportsperson spirit amongst the residents!

by Vaishali Joshi Mehta (515, Tower 6, Silvercity; 99717 99601)