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Captive In My Own House
New Friends Colony

Captive In My Own House

Western Avenue Was Dug Up by the MCD Which Left Piles of Debris & Disappeared

Maharanibagh is regarded as a A-grade colony as is reflected by the circle rate. Not too long ago, perhaps about a decade ago, it was a pride and a privilege to be a resident of Maharani Bagh as it had well paved roads, parks on every street and a beautiful Central Park, which also houses the club, more popularly known as the Community Centre.

We residents of Maharanibagh no longer feel the same pride today. The conditions of our colony have been worsening by the day. One of the many problems is the deep-rooted clogging of the drains which require immediate attention and a sustainable one.

The second major problem is the broken Western Avenue with its many potholes. It needs to be repaired and resurfaced so that we can drive on it in a civilised manner, and not feel as if we riding a bullock cart.

After marathon efforts to have meetings with MCD to address this problem, they finally agreed to go ahead with the work. Western Avenue was dug up by the JCB which did the job of digging but left piles of debris on the ground and disappeared. I live on Western Avenue and I could not get out of my house either on foot, not to talk about driving my car out of my driveway. I became captive in my own house. After chasing our ‘star’ guard Bharat, who made numerous calls to the contractor to attend to the unfinished work, I finally managed to become mobile and felt freedom. God forbid, if there was an emergency and we were trapped, what could have happened.

We residents of Maharanibagh, which once upon a time had a very glorious past and everyone sought to buy a plot of land here, want its glory to be restored. It is really shameful that we have to chase the Government agencies to make sure that they do their duties within a timeframe. After all we pay our taxes and we deserve to have basic amenities as citizens of our country.