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‘Bachon ki Ramleela’ at Trinity

‘Bachon ki Ramleela’ at Trinity

On 19th October, the Trinity Kids Club performed Ram Leela for the society. Around twenty children aged four to thirteen years came together and portrayed the characters from the Ramayan and presented a mesmerising version of the story with their enchanting performances and dances. The entire show was choreographed and coordinated by Jyoti Khurana, Ritu Gupta and Avantika Goel, residents of Trinity Towers. 

The story from the birth of Ram to the ultimate battle of good over evil, was a concise and abridged version which included all the relevant episodes from the Ramayan. Our little performers spent almost two weeks practising tirelessly for the event. The objective of organising such an event was to inculcate values and encourage respect for our culture and heritage. Throughout the entire practice, all the kids were involved in different aspects of the preparation for the dance drama. They worked hand in hand to prepare for props and costumes. 

The program began with a Ganesh Vandana followed by the ‘Bachon ki Ramleela’. The program was well attended by residents, who appreciated the efforts of the organising committee and the children. In the end, all the performers were awarded books with stories of Ramayan.

1 Comment

  1. vidya suresh

    Im not a building resident but an outsider who enjoyed reading the Ram Leela & saw pictures. There seems to be a lot of effort that was put into- practising, makeup, costume etc Great way to remind everyone about our mythology !
