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Senior Citizen’s Safety: A Collective Responsibility for All
Safdarjung Enclave

Senior Citizen’s Safety: A Collective Responsibility for All

Want to *urgently* report  this shocking incident to my fellow residents . Since 2.07 AM last night, my tenants on the ground floor (of B-2/125) have been calling me and sharing how someone has been ringing their house bell repetitively and running away. In the beginning, it sounded as if some one was playing a prank, however, when they kept calling me and around 4.10 AM they said we have been able to record this boy’s act – he has been jumping off from the gate of the house opposite to ours, I called 100/112 and reported. The PCR took 20 mins to reach. Meanwhile, I kept tracking into the opposite house (B-2/175 GF – Mr. Sardana’s residence), and for brief 3 to 4 mins a tubelight in one of the rooms was turned on, and I saw this boy (Nepali features, approx 5 ft 6 in) leaning over the bed and pulling out something from underneath the blue bed sheets. Within next few minutes when the PCR arrived they were able to see him peeping outside and when the police along with my tenant ran after him, he jumped out of the shift into the backlane of B-2/175 and in the process dropped of his slippers. Upon further informing the police that B-2/175 is occupied by a super senior citizen (Mr. Sardana), we rang the bell to check upon him. Fortunately, he was awoke and safe, but unfortunately, he wasn’t aware that this *’stranger’* was inside his house; and to his surprise, his own caretaker (not the same person, but also a nepali) was missing from the house. This incident is most alarming as most residents in this part of B-2 (opposite B-2 Market/ Vardhman chemist) are senior/ super senior citizens. First thing the IO pointed out: _”Why are the street lights not working?”_, _”Why haven’t any CCTVs been installed in this part of B2?”_ This incident only depicts the how unsafe our residents are, and how much we need to be united to fight any attacks. *Sharing the video and screenshot from the video so that you identify the thief/ culprit*( by Tanu)

 In the bustling city of Delhi, where the pulse of life beats vigorously, a crucial segment of our society often remains vulnerable: our senior citizens. With a significant portion of Delhi’s population aged 60 and above, ensuring their safety and well-being is a shared responsibility that demands urgent attention and collective action. Senior citizens, with their wealth of experience and wisdom, are invaluable to our community. However, they often face unique challenges that can compromise their safety and security. Physical frailty, social isolation, and the increasing incidence of crimes against the elderly underscore the need for a concerted effort to safeguard this vulnerable group.  

The elderly are particularly susceptible to various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, and financial exploitation. Reports of burglary, fraud, and neglect are not uncommon. Many senior citizens live alone or are dependent on caregivers, which can further exacerbate their vulnerability. The psychological impact of feeling unsafe can lead to severe stress, anxiety, and a diminished quality of life. **Community Vigilance** Every resident of Delhi has a role to play in enhancing the safety of our senior citizens. Awareness and vigilance are key. Neighbours should make an effort to check in on elderly residents, especially those living alone. Establishing a rapport with them can not only provide companionship but also a safety net in case of emergencies. **Promoting Respect and Empathy** Respect for the elderly should be ingrained in our societal fabric. It begins with education and awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of treating senior citizens with dignity and care. Schools and community centers can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of empathy and respect towards the aged. **Strengthening Legal and Social Frameworks** Delhi’s authorities must bolster legal frameworks to protect senior citizens. This includes stringent laws against elder abuse, efficient reporting mechanisms, and prompt action against perpetrators. Social services should be accessible and robust, offering support ranging from healthcare to legal aid. **Role of Technology** Technology can be a powerful tool in enhancing senior citizen safety. Wearable devices with emergency alert systems, GPS tracking, and smart home security systems can offer an added layer of protection. Moreover, digital literacy programs for the elderly can empower them to use these technologies effectively. **Conclusion** The safety of senior citizens is not just a familial duty but a societal obligation. As Delhi continues to grow and evolve, let us ensure that our senior citizens can live with the dignity, security, and peace they deserve. It is a collective responsibility that requires empathy, vigilance, and proactive measures. By fostering a community that values and protects its elders, we create a safer, more compassionate city for all.