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Hollyhocks in Malibu
Malibu Towne

Hollyhocks in Malibu

This April, Hollyhocks were seen shining in all parks in Malibu. Made us feel that the colourful five-feet-tall clusters in our parks are enjoying the April sun.

These single or double-cup flowers bloomed in various colours- blue, pink, purple, red and white; happily, in competition with each other!

On windy days some tall ones showed a tendency to flop while missing their supporting stakes. I wish that the blooms survive for some more time but alas, they will recede as per the laws of nature while Zenias, Balsams and a host of others are expected next in late summer.

Readers may expect a write-up from a fellow editor in the team in a subsequent issue. She has a passion for seasonal flowers and a penchant for writing.

Admittedly, our Fed’s horticulture team did very well in recent months to plant hollies in spots that receive sun.

Hollyhocks don’t like shady patches.

Kudos to our colony’s horticulture team!

Hollyhocks- botanical name Alca Rosea are a member of the Hibiscus family, Gurhul in Hindi. Also in this family is Cotton and Okra or Bhindi. Incidentally, as gathered from locals, KAPASHERA as we drive enroute to Delhi, picks up its name from Kapaas or Cotton which was grown here in abundance Be that as it may, let us conclude with a poem in adulation of our April Hollyhocks.

Dainty dolls in silken frocks,

Blooming on the Hollyhocks!

Blowing low at every breeze,

Nodding to the bumble – bees

Darling dolls in dainty frocks

Blooming on the Hollyhocks!
