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Holi @ Ivy
Sushant Lok 1

Holi @ Ivy

With Spring at its peak, the festival of colours is just right to join in the riot of colours all around us. At Ivy, while the lawns were already brimming with vibrant blooms, the Holi celebrations ensured the residents resonated with equally colourful vibes.

The RWA had organized Holika Dahan, the previous night when all came together for Holi Pujan. For Holi there were elaborate arrangements to ensure the residents enjoyed the celebrations thoroughly; complete with Rang, Rang Barse and other Bollywood Holi specials and some delectable chaat and snacks to spice up the celebrations. The sprinklers had been cranked up so residents could enjoy a rain dance after the colour play. 

People participated with full gusto and in spite of the long weekend, there was a pretty big gathering of 100-plus members enjoying the Holi celebrations. After all, there is nothing like letting the child in you out and running wild, smearing colour with gay abandon, without a care in the world and spiritedly shouting Happy Holi!