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Hi All Residents of My Defence Colony My Pride!
Defence Colony

Hi All Residents of My Defence Colony My Pride!

The 17 Mar 2024, a landmark day in as much as A swank renovated Coffee Shop cum Dining Hall was inaugurated at the Happening Joint i.e. the DCAs Club (JCO) under the aegis of the RWA A BLOCK. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was performed by Manjeev S Puri IFS, where the Guest of Honour was IFS Officer, Ambassador Arun K Singh. A humongous crowd of over 200 Residents of the Colony cheered the ushering in of a new era. The Residents were treated to hot steaming Coffee along with Sandwiches, Laddoos, Cookies etc etc. The Club was bursting at its seams as Residents walked in awe seeing the beautiful creation that has been dedicated to the Colony inhabitants.

The Holi function at our JCO club was an absolutely magnificent event, with a tremendous turnout and great success! With over 400 residents and their guests in attendance, was a vibrant and lively celebration.

We had a fantastic Musical Evening at the DCAs Club A-Block on 29 March. With over 125 Residents / Members and guests in attendance, it was a rare spectacle with the Palm Garden overflowing with Residents enjoying. Sumptuous food, vibrant atmosphere, and melodious songs by Rahul and his team – was a perfect combo for an exhilarating evening. Residents from all the Blocks of the colony came in numbers to join in the Musical Feast.

For Sports Lovers and Basketball Players. Succumbing to an overwhelming demand from Residents we have been able to convert to a state of the art Synthetic Basketball Court from a hard cemented one at the DCAs (JCO) Club. The Old Basketball Court had outlived its Utility and hence the new refurbished one, facilitating the Children and the Elderly alike to come and play and enjoy the Sport. There is a good Coach available to train the Players.

Here’s to many more wonderful events at our JCO club, continuing to bring the community together and create lasting memories for everyone involved!

 Best Always.