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Glow Club Navratre Meet
Sushant Lok 1

Glow Club Navratre Meet

12th April 24’’, fourth Navratra, Glow Club ladies met in the usual Park 5pm to sing, eat, celebrate and enjoy the Navratras together. Mood was religious and ambience was spiritual!

A few ladies sang bhajans along with Mrs Bajaj who also got her Dholak along for a perfect beat. There was a great aura around this humming and singing together. There was falahar snacks like sabudana khichdi ( made by a member only) and sambar kheer made by Rani Ahluwalia ji..

We all played Navratra Tambola with each call as “Jai Mata di”. We also discussed all the stories of how these rituals are part of our lives since the beginning. “Shudha bhav saaf man”