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Apex Sr. Citizens Club Celebrates Monthly Get Together Event
Sector 75 Noida

Apex Sr. Citizens Club Celebrates Monthly Get Together Event

Apex Senior Citizens Club of Apex Athena apartments Celebrated get together program on 28 June, 2023 in Club House. Thirty-six members attended the event. There was no birthday
orAnniversary of any member in the month of June. Tambola and Chat party was organized. The members enjoyed a lot and also played games. In the month of July 2023 Apex Sr. Citizens Club will celebrate the birthdays of. Bindu Mathur (C 1902, 4 July), Anil Kapoor (C 2502, 18July), Sangeeta Saxena B 102 21st July, Mrs. Himanshu Malik E-2504 23rd July.

Mrs. Anjana Kumar (D 1801, 30 July) and anniversaries of. Anil Kapoor &Prabha Kapoor (C 2502 , 3 July), Udai Bhan & Shila Singh (F 1703, 6 July), Naresh Chandra& Pant Chitra Pant (14 July).
