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Reptiles Spotted in D-Block
Sector 26 Noida

Reptiles Spotted in D-Block

On 30th August, a four-foot-long monitor lizard was seen in the garden of S. S. Oberoi (D-107). The reptile was pushed out by RWCS security team after much drama. A video of the monitor lizard was circulated on some WhatsApp groups too.

On 5th Sept, Rakesh Gupta (D-103) spotted a snake in the D-Block Park. When the guards came to catch the snake, it had vanished in the bushes. Gupta advised the immediate trimming of bushes, which has been done. However, the green cuttings are dumped at various points on the park boundary. The number of walkers, especially after dark, has reduced in the D-block, even though it is very well-lit. If residents spot a reptile animal, bird, or any other wildlife, they can call the security of the sector or Forest Department at 0120-2425989. Alternatively, they can call NGOs like Wildlife Trust of India at +91-120-4143900 (30 lines) or Wildlife SOS at +91-9871963535.
