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The Neglected Neighbourhood

The Neglected Neighbourhood

In the bustling area of 13th Avenue DLF-4, where the vibrant Galleria market attracts crowds daily, a different kind of chaos reigned during the monsoon season.

The once plush condominiums now stood vulnerable to the relentless downpour that exposed the negligence of the local civic bodies.

Despite the proximity of the ward councillor’s office, headed by Sunita Yadav, the residents found themselves helpless as the rainwater wreaked havoc on their streets and homes. The drainage systems, long neglected and left to decay, failed to cope with the onslaught of water, leading to flooding that disrupted daily life.

The residents pleaded for action, pointing fingers at the lack of responsibility shown by the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) and the Town Development Planning Department. The DLF maintenance fees seemed to disappear into thin air, with little to no improvement in the drainage infrastructure that was desperately needed.

As the rain continued to pour, the once picturesque neighbourhood transformed into a waterlogged nightmare. Vehicles struggled to navigate the flooded roads, and the risk to lives became a stark reality. The residents united in their plea for the authorities to step up and address the pressing issue before more damage was done.

Amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope remained that the voices of the affected community would not go unheard. The neglected neighbourhood of 13th Avenue DLF-4 stood resilient, awaiting the much-needed intervention that would bring relief and restore their once peaceful surroundings.

We request the authorities to do something and not just sit with the government budgets. Please take onus of the situation and show some proactive response.
