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Sun City

No Leftovers for Stray Residents

Feeding the animals and taking good care of fellow stray residents of Suncity is good and is always appreciated. However, doing it the right way is also imperative.

A few residents have been seen leaving the leftover food in the water and food bowls kept for stray dogs at the feeding points. This is not the right way of disposing of the home’s leftover food. Not all the food that we eat is meant for the dogs. Sometimes the leftover food in the dog bowls stays there for hours & days to be rotten & cause further distress to the stray that consumes it.

The right to do things is important and hence I would request the residents to dispose of the leftover food from our homes that needs to be discarded to be kept in the wet waste (garbage bags) as that can be processed further to generate biogas. We all need to educate such residents and stop them from doing so.

SRWA cannot stop such things alone, but with the support of the residents. Let’s support our own SRW and do it the right way!
