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The Kachnar Marg Green Belt Plantings – Small Hands for Environmental Improvement

The Kachnar Marg Green Belt Plantings – Small Hands for Environmental Improvement

I always wonder what children feel when all around they are bombarded by CLIMATE CHANGE, with its own litany of new environmental problems, which, sadly, will persist globally over time and space. Over centuries, and in different ways, our Planet Earth has been abused by us human beings. We, from Silver Oaks, are [in a small way] doing our part, involving children from around our blocks G and H, and from our Silver Oaks, to understand, respect and help Nature renew herself through fresh plantings, thereby greening our surroundings. This, we hope and pray, will help eventually in mitigating environment problems and, more important, give the younger generation a vision to help protect Environment, a hands-on approach which gives results.

With this in mind, the Kachnar Marg Green Belt project, a Green Warrior initiative steered by Kiran Gupta and me, organised a children’s “Murraya” plantation drive [the third of its kind] on the 20 th of March.[“Murraya” is a bushy plant, with small flowers, used for hedging].

Children were introduced to the trees onsite, told the importance of leaves in the cycle of Nature, and shown how leaf composting is Nature‘s own self help scheme avoiding use of chemical fertilizers. We were supported by many residents who donated plants, snacks and juice for children, created banners, and most important, demonstrated their will to participate, give their time and show by example. All this activity was done at a very short notice. With temperatures rising, and schools spring break already here, we quickly decided to do this plantation drive. We are grateful to all who participated— the children, their Mamas, the helping staff and, above all, the concerned residents for giving all support.

A few days after our “Murrayas” were planted, the bougainvilleas arrived! This coincided with EARTH DAY which made it very meaningful. As bougainvilleas have sharp thorns, we invited interested adults to come and help us to plant them.

Only a few enthusiastic friends came to help. With only our regular mali to help out, and still much work to be done, everyone present there, pitched in to do various errands connected with planting.

If our prayers are answered and these plants brave the harsh sun, the monkey mischief, and passing human traffic leaving them alone and with adequate water supply over summer, then we visualize a colourful and effective barrier between the main Faridabad road and our belt.

We were pleasantly surprised to have our own SOCA board member enthuse a child coaching organisation, CUE-MATHS, to support us with more plants [as also yellow caps for all participating children.] We thank CUE-MATHS for their assistance. The vivid Bougainvilleas, which were pledged, arrived a little later. This planting was done by adults, and will feature in a following article.

Note: photos accompanying this article are courtesy parents of participants. We thank them all.
