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Lets Spread Some Warmth This Winter
Sector 75 Noida

Lets Spread Some Warmth This Winter

As the winter season progresses, the sun vanishes from the sky and bone-chilling winds start to freeze the environment, we stay confined to our rooms and beds feeling cosy with our heaters and blankets. But some people are forced to spend these chilling days and freezing nights on the pavements, under trees, on park benches and so on.  For these people, winters become a test for survival with many of them breathing their last lying in a cold corner with no shelter. Their only hope is that someday a Good Samaritan will come and give them a blanket that might give them some respite from the harsh weather. What may be just a blanket for us becomes a lifesaver for them.  This is why many people distribute blankets to the poor and homeless. So look around you and if you find some poor soul shivering in the cold give them a blanket. It’s unnecessary that you give out numerous blankets; even one blanket you give goes a long way in helping someone sail through the winter. When you give someone a blanket you don’t just give them a length of cloth, you give them warmth, you give them hope, a hope that says that yes there is still humanity left in this world. And what will you get by doing all this you ask? You shall experience tremendous inner joy and peace and of course the invaluable blessings of a distressed soul.
