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Sector 50 F Block

Frequent GRAP 3 – How Is It Affecting the Home Buyers

Due to the high air pollution levels in the past months and still continuing, when AQI remains at very poor or severe levels most of the time, it is important that GRAP 3 is invoked and bans are initiated to bring AQI under control and further deterioration in air quality in the region.

However at the same time projects which are nearing completion, home buyers will have to face further collateral damages .There are projects which are nearing completion and about to be handed over to the home buyers, shall now get further delayed. Several home buyers are already paying heavy loan interests along with home rentals. The miseries for home buyers seem to be never ending .

The unfortunate part is that year on year the governing bodies make commitments to reduce the pollution levels but with no outcome. Political will to find sustainable solutions is missing.
