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Worsening Traffic Chaos at School Timings
Sector 50 A-E

Worsening Traffic Chaos at School Timings

A school is a very necessary part and one of the important considerations when one is taking a decision to settle. But sometimes they become a cause of continuous nuisance for those living in the vicinity. The buses parked on the roads inside the Sector eat up space and reduce the width of the road. This combined with the fact that they cause huge traffic chaos and jams during school hours. The situation worsens when there is a PTM or admission season in the school. The traffic outside the school gate tends become monstrous especially at a time when school children are picked or dropped.

The gates which open near the main roads are another spots which face grotesque traffic congestions. With a big school inside, a number of residential societies nearby and a shopping complex alongside, the Sector seems to be in the grip of vicious traffic.
