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Building Homes by Murdering Trees

Building Homes by Murdering Trees

As our colony is expanding, a sad reality is that trees are being cut down to build new floors and houses in South City 1.

MCG/Forest department can grant permission for cutting a tree that is inside the plot. Trees planted by Unitech on the footpaths can only be cut if they are impeding entry to the house. In the last few years, numerous trees have been cut from the footpaths of South City 1 and it is not clear how all these trees in front of houses under construction were shown as impeding entry, following which they were cut during the construction of the building.

Another dubious method being employed for murdering trees is that the building contractor uses blue aluminium sheets to cover the entire plot including the footpath. Over some time, certain chemicals are poured into the soil near the trees. These chemicals damage the stem and root resulting in the slow, unnatural death of the tree. It is rightly said that when a tree falls, the Earth shudders.

If we as residents want a healthy environment, fresh air and green surroundings, we should be alert and immediately report such illegal activities to the SCRWA team so that relevant authorities can be alerted on time.

SCRWA is planning to create a Photo Directory and database of all the trees in our colony in September. Every tree will be photographed and these photos with location details will be stored in our digital archives so that any attempt to harm a tree can be reported to authorities with proper documentation. Plant more trees for a healthier South City1.
