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Residents Should Come Forward & Apply For Gas Pipeline In Suncity
Sun City

Residents Should Come Forward & Apply For Gas Pipeline In Suncity

In the realm of energy solutions, Gas pipelines are emerging as a superior choice over LPG cylinders. With their continuous supply, cost-effectiveness, enhanced safety measures, and environmental advantages, gas pipelines offer a great alternative to residents. Constructed with high-quality materials, gas pipelines provide an uninterrupted supply of gas directly to your home so you can say goodbye to the hassle of checking LPG cylinder levels and rushing to get them refilled.

Gas pipelines are the norm in high-rise societies and apartments but not in colonies and townships. SRWA has proposed to introduce Haryana City Gas (HCG) gas pipelines in Suncity. HCG has agreed to work on this project, given that they receive a certain number of enrollments from residents. 500 enrollments have been registered so far, however, the SRWA has convinced HCG to start the process and once it gets started, more residents will join. 

For this, the Company needs a Consolidated Guarantee Cheque from SRWA on behalf of the residents. They won’t entertain Single connection requests. So, providing the Guarantee Cheque which will be encashed by the HCG (only when they start work and not before that) will assure them about the Serious number of prospective buyers.

We, therefore, request our residents who are willing to take the connection to please send your Cheque in the name of SRWA as per the amount details are given below. Please mention at the back of the Cheque: your House Number and Purpose: for PNG ‘keeping given the time to be taken by the Company and 3 Months validity period of the Cheque. All these cheques will remain with the SRWA office only and won’t be encashed till the Formal Agreement is signed by HCG. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the HCG pipeline in large numbers so Suncity can begin to shift from conventional LPG cylinders to environment-friendly, economical and safe gas pipelines. 

Please send your cheques at the earliest to enable us to move further.

by Aditi Sahoo (F Block, 88003 44606)
