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Erratic Water Supply in DLF-1 With Lack of Infrastructure

Erratic Water Supply in DLF-1 With Lack of Infrastructure

Come summer and the water situation in DLF-1 worsens year after year. While we all know the water supply comes to us from the two DLF-maintained water tanks in different blocks, the main supply of water from the Basai canal by GMDA has also been erratic at times.

The GMDA supply to DLF 1 is stored in the large storage tanks and then released every morning 6.30-7.00 am and at 5.00-5.30 pm.

With the increase in construction all around us and the exponential growth in population with multiple-floor housing, the water demand has massively surpassed the same quantity of water being supplied to DLF-1 from GMDA over the years.

On top of it, the use of water motors also makes the intake of each household different. If the under-construction houses (which probably are not supposed to use fresh drinking water) or the new floor apartments are using high-capacity water motors vs old residents with low-capacity motors, they will pull in more water and others further down in the supply route may not get much water.

The GMDA recently announced increasing the water supply to our area, but where will the water be stored? DLF-1 still has infrastructure that was made 30 years back and did not account for the increasing population today. There is a lack of water storage facilities locally where water can be stored!

For this ever-depleting natural resource, preservation and judicious use for our needs should be a mantra for all of us.

With inputs from Rahul Chandola (9811050731) and Smriti Chhabra
