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DCP South Lauds GK Night Vigil as a Trend Setter Felicitates RWAs & Samaritans
Greater Kailash 1

DCP South Lauds GK Night Vigil as a Trend Setter Felicitates RWAs & Samaritans

In October 2022 Pan GK RWA’s and GK-I Police under SHO Ajit Kumar Upadhayay embarked on a novel Programme to pool in money for a joint Night Vigil. As residents were facing immense hardships due to use of just one Entry/Exit at B-Block Petrol Pump, more so in emergency situations. Cancelled Ola/Uber rides, missed flights, long detours costing Rs. 100-150 more to reach home etc.

As reported earlier in Samvada, GK-I Police Station is short of staff and operating at almost 50% strength. Six months on Night Vigil programme has proved to be a success, there have been just two car thefts till April. But continuing the programme needed revenue and most RWA’s were unable to pool in funds, it was then decided the RWA’s reach out to Good Samaritans for donations, who did not disappoint.

To honour the Donors a function was organised at the GK-I Police Station, Addl. DCP (South) Ankit Chauhan graced the occasion and presented card to all the GK Vigil Group Members. The Card does not give any special Privilege but is a badge of honour as a token of their Contribution.

Mr Chauhan said that he grew up in Delhi and always heard that GK-I sets the trend, and GK Residents have lived up to their reputation. On being informed that this initiative was needed due to huge shortage of Staff and this should not mean more staff can be pulled out of GK and posted for VIP Security, if that happens, GK Vigil Group shall be disbanded. He assured that he will requisition for increase in Staff strength so that GK becomes a safe and secure neighbourhood.

In his address SHO Ajit Kumar Upadhayay informed that soon GK will be covered with Night Vision Cameras for 24X7 Surveillance and create an enabling system with the help of GK Vigil Group for redressal of disputes among neighbours over use of common areas, parking, installation of PNG connection etc. The evening ended with informal discussions over lip smacking Chaat.

by Rajiv Kakria (9810275168)
