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RWA Security Network Punctured Again
Sector 15A Noida

RWA Security Network Punctured Again

Outer Periphery Boundary Wall Remains the Most Vulnerable Point in the Sector

Robbery in Was A Scary Incident

Raina Agarwal reported that on the night of 23 Feb in, the corner house near Gate no.1, three robbers entered the house through the green belt at around 3am, cutting the fenced boundary (see image). They skilfully removed the glass window, entered through the lobby and combed the house for valuables.

They managed to get some stuff from the drawing room and tried to grab more but fortunately Raina’s brother in-law was awakened by the noise and in desperate action chased them when they fled. The residents immediately reported the incident to the police, who arrived with their team, by when it was too late as the robbers had crossed over the Sector boundary, leaving by the same route as they had entered.

Unfortunately, there is no CCTV camera nor any security guards near that corner that could have helped identify the robbers. Despite raising security concerns many times about this weak security gap, no action been taken till date.

According to Raina, this incident was life-threatening – the miscreants could have harmed them and could have resulted in loss of lives. There are both children and seniors in the house who could have been seriously injured. Raina is so disturbed that he wonders why we are paying the RWA yearly Subscription, which has been increasing every year, while this corner of the Sector has always been ignored, both in terms of cleanliness and security.

Intruders are able to easily cut the Sector barbed wire fencing. Identifying blind spots which have no security camera access may not be a matter of concern to some, but the entire Sector and the families living in it are quite concerned.

The RWA should investigate the matter, taking this incident very seriously and take immediate remedial and preventive action.
