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Youngsters Partying At Home While Their Parents Away

On 20th May’23 some young boys and girls assembled in the house of a friend whose parents were away that night. Everyone was having fun and was highly intoxicated, so much so that things got a little out of control after two girls started having loud arguments that were audible to the whole neighbourhood which became a nuisance. Eventually, the cops had to be called in.

Naresh Kapoor, Security Advisor of PRWS, intervened and got the matter resolved. After his intervention, the Boys and Girls were counselled and escorted home by the police. No FIR was lodged but the Parents were informed.

A General message was posted in the Group alerting parents that if they allow parties at home they should make sure liquor should be limited and the party should be closed at 1 AM. With the intervention of PRWS arrests and FIR were avoided. Parents were very appreciative and promised that such incidents will not recur.

by Poonam Jain (A-40/22, 9810203415)
