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Youngistaan Adda Presents Elder’s Getaway
Sector 104 Noida

Youngistaan Adda Presents Elder’s Getaway

Great evening well spent together, amongst the young at heart, senior citizens. The evening was graced by a guest speaker and a guest artist.

1. The guest speaker Mr. Ajay Poddar, Civil Engineering graduate from IIT DELHI, has got a lot of work to his credit in the field of Health and Social Education apart from his core engineering profession.

He gave tips for general well-being through an effective, interactive session. Major take-aways were his inputs on two very important aspects of Physical/ Mental health –

A) Quality Sleep – Quality is more important than quantity.

B) Digestion – Key is right way of eating, intermittent fasting and watching on weight.

It was noticed that one advice of the speaker was well implemented by participants, i.e. starting dinner with sweets!

2. Our guest singer Ms. Anandita, an accomplished professional singer, graduated in Classical Music from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad was also outstanding.

She entertained us with mesmerizing numbers in her melodious voice. Captivated the entire audience by performing a delightful selection of songs spanning different generations and genres.

Her repertoire included romantic ballads, upbeat swing tunes, and classical melodies, enchanting us all and compelling many of us to sing along. It was a mesmerizing performance that left us all spellbound.

As usual, our own Alok Sahdev (5161) was a class apart. He persuaded the young ladies and gents to rock the dance floor.

3. Hot pakoras and sumptuous food for dinner were icing on the cake.

Thanks to Romi for overall entertainment and Anand (10141) for overall co-ordination. Big thanks to all participants, for overwhelming participation.
