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Youngistaan Adda Celebrations
Sector 104 Noida

Youngistaan Adda Celebrations

There were two back-to-back parties, celebrating two different and important occasions of human life. We Youngi-staanis were in full spirits, celebrating proud moments.

1. On Sunday, 14 July, it was the auspicious occasion of Mr. B B Gupta (9252) Ji’s grandson Kaavya’s wedding with Saumya. We, all the Grandfathers, went as Elite Baratis to attend the marriage in a hired TT.

The party started right after, turning right, from our commercial complex, till late in the night. It was a grand affair with full pomp and show. The grandeur and ambience were beating even the Ambani’s. Food was great.

Drinks were overflowing. We all young gang enjoyed thoroughly. God bless the newlywed couple and the entire Jindal family!

2. The next day, a stag party was planned at Anil Jain’s (8211) house. He was celebrating his freedom of forced bachelorhood, as his wife was away to the UK. ^^la;k¡ esjk ?kj ugha eq>s fdlh dk Mj ugha**. The party was of our standard format of drinks, dance and dinner with jokes, songs, Kavita/gazal.

The party became a special one with the news of a new arrival in the Jain family with the birth of baby girl Anora on 10 July, the daughter of Anil’s daughter Anchal. You can see two jokers dawning the attire of school children to grace and compliment this occasion.

With best wishes to both the families and salute to the bonhomie of the group. Long live Youngistaan Adda!
