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‘Yoga for All’ in Meghdutam Park
Sector 50 F Block

‘Yoga for All’ in Meghdutam Park

On the occasion of the 9th International Yoga Day, on 21 June, a Yoga foundation of Noida organised ‘Yoga for All’ in the Meghdutam Park under the guidance of Shri Yogacharya Manoj Rajput, the founder. His students as well as visitors from Meghdutam Park participated in the session; around 100 people were seen doing yoga in the group that morning.

The special session started with the chanting of ‘OM’ followed by breathing exercises, and then by some very simple but effective exercises which helped everyone warm up. The Yog Guru was guiding the session with his simple instructions. First some balancing asanas like Taad Asana, Vriksh Asana, were done. Surprisingly every one could do almost all asanas with help and instructions from the Yog Guru. Asanas like Hal Asana, Paschimotaan Asana and the Surya Namaskaar routine were also done among others.

Several children participated. It was good to see some senior citizens sitting on the benches also trying simple exercises and Asanas. Yog Guru kept the participants entertained with his good sense of humour throughout.

Along with each pose, he explained the benefits of each asana. Deep breathing helps in energizing and detoxification of body. All the Yog asanas and kriyas improve strength, flexibility and balance of our bodies apart from keeping stress away. The session ended with Simhasna (Lion Pose) and Laughter Yoga. By all means, this Yoga session was a perfect way to spread awareness about Yoga on International Yoga day.

Manpreet Kaur (Stellar Kings Court; 7838387649)
