Every Residential Society has a Resident Welfare Association (RWA). As the name suggests, its primary intention is to work towards the overall welfare of all residents of a particular residen-
tial society. At the same time, several rules, responsibilities, and roles are in place to ensure a specific area’s smooth functioning. The One Year term of the Executive Committee of the ARWA Sector A, Pocket C, comprising of Prateek Pathak, President, AN Baveja, Secretary and others ended in March, 23. Let us review the following activities carried out and tasks performed and implemented during the year under review. 1. Two special cleaning drives of DDA District Park of the colony were carried out in May 2022 and March 2023 for which Pocket-C and Pocket-B residents extended wholehearted support. Three rainwater harvesting pits were constructed. Boundary wall of DDA Park behind Block nos.25,26, 30 and 31 were raised. This has resulted in decreased water logging. Two rain water shelters which were in broken condition have been dismantled and new construction is in progress. 2. A new Library was started in the ARWA Office with a collection of over 1000 books donated by residents, facility of which is being availed by both residents and children. 3. Senior citizen initiative in ARWA office is a success, Here the senior citizens interact, play games and exchange ideas. 4. On the occasion of 75 years of Aazadi Ka Amritotsava, a Prabhat Pheri was organized in Aug 2022 with joint participation of Pocket C & B residents with patriotic fervor. The colony was decorated with tri colours on the occasion of Independence Day, 5. A Homoeopathy Clinic is being run by a Super Senior Resident, Dr Chopra in the ARWA office. The Clinic is open every Wednesday and Friday from 4.30 PM to 6.00 PM. On an average 40 patients visit the clinic every day. 6. Wheel Chair friendly gates at CDR Park and DDA District Park have been made. 7. Civil repairs and road repair work has been carried out where needed. 8. New Gym equipment 15 Nos. were installed behind DJB Reservoir leaving enough space for the children to play. 9. Handrail has been installed in front of market area to facilitate easy and safe movement of citizens 10. Special lighting arrangements were made on Diwali at different locations. 11. For security of Pocket-C, ARWA has installed 37 new CCTV cameras at strategic locations using latest technology. And lastly… The ARWA was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation by the Dy. Commissioner, MCD twice in 2022-23 for the good work done with respect to: A. Segregating Waste at source. B. Maintaining Cleanliness. The Team deserves all kudos for their accomplishments during the year. However, a cross section of the residents while appreciating the collective efforts and hard work done by the ARWA Team had a few suggestions: 1. Dry leaves and garbage left untended and dumped across different areas have also led to many residents complaining about mosquito menace, moths, flies, etc. 2. Menace of stray dogs and monkeys should be attended to. Several residents have reported stray dogs and monkeys attacking children and monkeys snatching fruits and food. 3. Security arrangements have to be tightened due to recent thefts in the colony. Some more surveillance cameras need to be installed at vantage locations and patrolling by security guards must be intensified. 4 Illumination of dark spots across the sector as identified by the residents need to be taken up on priority. In such locations extra lighting should be provided. The sector residents are hopeful that the issues raised would be processed quickly by the new ARWA Executive Team that is elected for 2023-24.
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