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Working of SLRWA, This Month
Sushant Lok 1

Working of SLRWA, This Month

SLRWA is working quite aggressively ever since it is formed. They have opened up many burning portals and are pursuing many more. The first and foremost was the membership drive, for which they tried several different methods to bring in more residents to come forward and be the face and the hands of the union. The membership fee was reduced to half for the benefit of the residents so that all those who reside in C block and make much noise about the horrendous condition of the block should shoulder their responsibility for the upliftment of the same.

Dalwani’s open letter to the residents stated, that the RWA is required to provide a coordination with local authorities for facilitating and upgrading the infrastructure essentials that are taken over by the government authorities i.e. water supply, sewerage, cleanliness, electricity etc. RWA is planning to provide better security, improved parks, and green areas, upgradation of the community center, waste management, and improved hygiene along with the basic amenities the govt. provides. He insisted for the residents’ support and participation through membership enrolment and contributions of maintenance charges to help RWA achieve the goals for the society as only a handful of residents were paying their maintenance bills out of the lot. Many newcomers who buy the property and decide to settle in C block do not register or fill in the membership forms thus keeping the RWA working committee in the dark.
