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Greater Kailash 2

Women’s Day –Celebrating Womanhood

Is celebrating just a day amongst 365 days enough to celebrate womanhood? Even though just a day or a month isn’t enough, let us redirect to focus on an important part of our lives – let us dedicate it to Women’s Health.

 As women, the ever-evolving nature of our hurried lives can push our wants and needs to the back burner. Every woman wants to work, to be able to multitask and be there for her family and friends. Women want to be caregivers, be good, present mothers at ALL times, be sensitive and kind to everyone striving to be PERFECT in the above. But where is the time for “US”? If there is ever a minute or two that we take out to self-nurture, don’t we end up with guilt pangs – or worse still, being critical of our appearance and attitude?

Trapped, Suffocating, Discouraging, Overwhelming, Hopeless – a few words that say – how depression can feel like. Research shows – Depression is 50% more common in women than it is in men. Globally, over 10% of pregnant women and 13 % of new mothers experience a mental health disorder, mainly depression. Sounds disturbing !!

Today there is finally much-needed awareness and chatter about mental health, but there is also inherent pressure that women end up facing thanks to the lives projected on social media which is impacting their self-esteem. When a loved one is low we are quick to tend to them. But, the same promptness vanishes when it comes to our self. While watching films, we often draw inspiration from certain dialogues because they uplift us, surprise us, and give us the courage to re-start and focus our energy on our mental health and goals.

 Here’s a reminder to change gears and be the main character of your story. Invest in yourself, self nurture, laugh freely, go for that trip, and do whatever makes YOU happy. Not only will it bring you joy, but will also benefit your mental health. So it is time to do it right and make it memorable.

Celebrate each day as Women’s day.
