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Winning Streak
Sector 128 Noida

Winning Streak

Vedaansh Kukreja’s Path to Excellence: Our readers will remember Vedaansh Kukreja about whom we wrote in our September edition. An 11-year-old residing in PH2, he achieved an impressive record of 13 gold medals, two silver medals, and one bronze medal across various games and academic pursuits in 2024.In the last three months, Vedaansh has won three gold medals – the 4th Gurugram National Championships, the 5th Gautam Buddha District Taek-wondo and the Delhi NCR Taekwondo Championship. Continuing his winning streak in 2025, Vedaansh proudly received his first gold medal of the year at the National Science Olympiad conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. With this Gold Medal, he qualifies for the seco-nd level.After his Thailand Bronze, Veda-ansh has worked hard for Gold in the last six months regarding his sports and school studies. Now he is preparing for his upcoming Dubai taekwondo championship which is in February. Vedaansh’s parents sum up their pride beautifully –तुझे सूरज कहूँ या चंदा, तुझे दीप कहूँ या तारा, मेरा नाम करेगा रौशन, जग में मेरा राज दुलारा.
