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Why Dogs Get Excited or Aggressive After Seeing Another Dog ?
Hauz Khas & SDA

Why Dogs Get Excited or Aggressive After Seeing Another Dog ?

Dogs can become excited or aggressive when they see another dog for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is that dogs are pack animals by nature, and their behavior is heavily influenced by their social hierarchy and territorial instincts. When a dog encounters another dog, it may see the other dog as a potential threat to its territory, food or resources, or it may see it as a potential new member of its pack. This can cause the dog to become either excited or aggressive, depending on the situation and the dog’s temperament.

In addition, some dogs may have had negative experiences with other dogs in the past, which can lead to fear, anxiety, or aggression when they encounter other dogs. Dogs that have not been properly socialized with other dogs may also have difficulty understanding how to interact appropriately, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.

Overall, it’s important to remember that each dog is an individual, and their behavior is influenced by a variety of factors, including their breed, temperament, and past experiences. If your dog displays aggression or excitement around other dogs, it’s important to work with a professional trainer or behaviorist to address the underlying causes and develop a plan to manage the behavior.
