Last week a message was circulated in WhatsApp Groups “This is to inform that a Dog was let loose by the caretaker while roaming around Kailash Colony Horse Shoe Road and has bitten the Guard on duty outside a house. The guard had to be taken to Safdarjung Hospital for an Anti- Rabies Shot, since the owner did not share the vaccination details of the Dog” …”But some humans care more about their dogs than the people they bite – despite a complaint there is still no response from the owners to either apologize or compensate the poor guy for his treatment.”
Attacks by Animals are becoming rampant be that by Pet or Stray Dogs or Bulls, making the City Streets unsafe. Municipalities have done precious little to curb population of stray animals nor have they taken any measures to penalize owners of stray animals. Citizens are left to fend for themselves and bear the cost of expensive medical treatment.
Many Fatalities have been reported and there is increasing hostility towards the voiceless animals. Those who have voices ie. Animal Welfare NGO’s on one side and people scared of animals, are fighting among themselves over their respective Rights, with Authorities as mute spectators and Courts issuing orders to those who have long abdicated their responsibilities.
People often remark at the discipline of Pet Owners in Western Countries, the fact is in India Animals tend to follow the lifestyles of their owners. There are clear guidelines for Pet Animals, be that for the use of Leash, clearing Dog Poop, ban on Dangerous species etc. but who is bothered in a country where breaking the Law is considered Machismo.
City Streets have become dangerous with Animals of all kinds on the prowl, be that the fear of stepping on dog poop outside their home or be bitten or rammed by a bull or be way laid by a stranger or run over by rash/drunk driver on wheels. Animals abound…… City Streets need to be made safer, with Elections round the corner let’s make an issue of it.
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