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Who Parked In Front Of My Gate!?

Who Parked In Front Of My Gate!?

Parking Woes In DLF-2

Parking spots are shrinking in DLF-2 as more and more builder floors are being constructed. The ever-increasing number of vehicles is causing the number of available parking spaces to shrink. People jostling for space to park their vehicles has become a common sight now. 

Many residents are complaining of wrongly parked vehicles in front of their premises, which are causing trouble to them. Some vehicles are left unattended for days which creates a lot of trouble for the residents. Wrongly parked two-wheelers, cars parked in front of someone’s house, cars blocking someone else’s car, and similar issues are becoming an everyday thing. 

People will have to behave mindfully and parking etiquette should be followed else this problem will increase and could lead to tension and arguments over deflated tyres and deformed cars.
