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Sector 104 Noida

WhatsApp Etiquette 101

All of us are unique; that makes us special. In our community, we all bring that something special to the table, but perhaps, we may all not be able to bring everything. Some of us, e.g., may be possessed with the gift of the gab, for some others, gifted though they most certainly are, the gab may not be a gift.

For most of us, a means of communication in a social context is primarily to keep up with the on-goings, and also exchange information. However, with the new brigade of activism that has spawned many social media warriors, many of us choose to articulate any and every (not so articulate) opinion, without putting any thought or context into the consequences of the ‘statement’.

It could fuel unnecessary tension, provoke individuals, and trigger even more unnecessary banter. More often than not, it leaves a bad taste for everyone who is part of this so-called ‘group’.

We have had numerous examples within our AOH, where folks have mindlessly and relentlessly pushed their agendas (a certain tutor is a case in point), or simply voiced opinions that could be construed to be unnecessarily ‘hateful’ and ‘provocative’.

To minimise this type of discord, let us follow some simple ground rules:

1. Be mindful of what we write – think about what we are saying, where, and in what context – everything that comes to mind need not find its way to WhatsApp.

2. The distinct groups have been created with a purpose – remember to post content only related to that.

3. It is NOT necessary to reply to everyone on any and everything – exercise discretion.

4. When forwarding any content, be mindful of the veracity of it; be sure that it is not provocative – especially keep politics out of it.

5. Lastly, it is NOT necessary to have SOMETHING to write about everyday – it is really all right if you did not type anything on a group today. In fact, then when you do, your words carry more weight.

For group administrators, it is a tough ask, but try to give warnings to individuals who don’t seem to follow basic rules; after a few warnings, it is time to say good-bye!

Let us make our virtual communities cleaner and healthier!
