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Vasant Kunj

What Should We Choose-Chaos & Violence or Peace & Sanctity?

Most of the DDA flats of Vasant Kunj have been allotted garages for keeping their two wheelers safe. These garages have gradually become a source of income for some of the residents who rent them out for commercial activities. The tenants of these garages then spread out their stuff outside the garage area as well. This starts becoming a nuisance for the residents living nearby. Every now and then, the neighbors of these occupied garages are involved in arguments due to disturbance caused to them or violation of their privacy by the garage tenants. The tenants feel it is their right to occupy the space outside the garage as they are paying a good amount to the landlords. The involvement of the RWA makes matters worse thus involving the police in some cases.

While all of us know this clearly that these houses, which we call our homes are supposed to be a peaceful abode, a place of positivity; still, we suffer due to the greed of some of the residents who want to earn a few thousand rupees by renting out their garages illegally to people for commercial use. It is high time that the residents take a call whether we should allow our peace of mind to be replaced by chaos, quarrel and noise or should we simply make it a rule to ban any commercial activity within society? As responsible citizens let’s all wake up. It’s our homes, our residential places, let’s have a happy and friendly environment around us. 
