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Sector 26 Noida

We the Members of RWCS / Club Should Unite & Form a Third Party to Ensure that the Two Institutions are Working for the Benefit of OUR Sector

It has become a nightmare entering the sector to reach home.  It took me 10 mins to cross mother dairy. One car parked in front of club gate and another a little away. I talked to the club guard and they blamed RWCS. It is evident that we are playing blame game instead of resolving the residents’ problems. Can the two institutions work together to resolve this issue?

Also, reading the Samvada today, if Club is creating another indoor badminton court, then being a member of club too, I condemn it. Club can book the RWCS court on a payment basis. Amount should be equivalent to what is charged by members. This way our money for the welfare of our sector will remain in our sector.

I would appreciate if we can have monthly meeting of both RWCS and Club. (I will suggest the same in RWCS group but mentioning here is just for reference). Let’s not create dictatorship or otherwise an environment for the residents of the sector to get divided. We are no politicians but people trying to make our sector the best in Noida.

The guard was club guard. I contradicted him and as I said it is a clear blame game of pointing a finger on another institution. Let’s give the guards the power to get the cars removed either by threatening to call police or avoiding the drama and directly calling the police if people don’t move the car. No one can block the public passage and Police should Challan them.

People in RWCS who are also members of the Club should unite and form a third party not for elections but just to ensure that the two institutions are working for the benefit of OUR Sector and their Residents. No partiality and no favoritsm.
