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Vipin & Harish Belwal Play The Annual Golf Tournament for Alumni of Sherwood College
Sector 128 Noida

Vipin & Harish Belwal Play The Annual Golf Tournament for Alumni of Sherwood College

The Seventh Sherwoodian’s Golf Tournament was held on the Jaypee Wishtown Golf Course in early February. It’s an annual fundraiser for the Old Sherwoodian Welfare Fund that does CSR activities in the Nainital region.

We have a lot of Sherwoodians staying amongst us in Wishtown. Wishtown residents Vipin Belwal and Harish Belwal were not only part of the main organisers but also participated in the Tournament.

As is the tradition, the Tournament was held in the format of an inter house golf competition for the alumni. Spirited Sherwoodians of all ages showed up to represent their House.

By match day, there were 40 Sherwoodian Golfers competing for the trophy. The non-golfing alumni joined to cheer the players from their respective houses. There were medals &  trophies to win during the tournament.

There was, however, a much sweeter catch. All members of the winning house were awarded a decadent, home baked cake that they could eat to their heart’s content. The remaining cake, as always, was served in the buffet.

This cake, interestingly, is baked by different home bakers every year, to encourage new talent.

by Sumati Chowdhary (104 IT2, 98712 09023) (with inputs from Sunil Issar & Vipin Belwal, 2001 KT-16)
