The 52nd Annual General Body Meeting of Vasant Vihar Welfare Association (VVWA) was held on Saturday, October 14, 2023, followed by the Election of the Managing Committee members the following day, Sunday, October 15, 2023, in the Aravali Hall of Kalyan Kendra.
The quorum being complete, the meeting was called to order by the Director (Administration), Mridula Murgai.
The house observed two minutes silence in the memory of the members who had left for their heavenly abode during the year 2022-2023.
Before taking up the agenda points, the President VVWA, Gurpreet Bindra informed the General Body that VVWA had received several letters asking why the AGM and the Elections were not being held on the same day as in the past. Bindra clarified that the decision to hold AGM and the Elections separately on two consecutive days was a conscious decision of the Managing Committee. Over the years, the strength of VVWA members has increased manifold. As a result, the Election process involving casting of votes and thereafter counting of votes and declaring the Election results on the same day takes one full day. The majority of VVWA members being senior citizens, it becomes extremely strenuous for them to sit through the AGM and thereafter participate in the Election. This is the pattern that was followed in 2021. He also explained the ‘force majeure’ reasons on account of which, the AGM could not be held before September 30, 2023. Thereafter, the Annual Report and the Annual Accounts were unanimously adopted.
The members were given the opportunity to raise points, if any.
1. Shailaja Chandra, former Chief Secretary, Delhi Government and presently resident of F-block, spoke about security within the colony. She said that the security guards on her street get-together and obstruct the free movement of traffic. It is a source of nuisance and inconvenience to the residents. She suggested that security agencies operating in Vasant Vihar be asked to register themselves with VVWA with a list of the security guards employed by them in the colony. The security agencies be made responsible for the conduct of their employees operating within Vasant Vihar. Some members suggested that even the servants and other service providers working in Vasant Vihar be issued with identity cards by VVWA. Frequent police verification camps be organized by VVWA in co-ordination with the local police.
2. Sheila Mathrani (16 PRVM) spoke about back lanes, traffic, encroachments, and waste management. A-block being a large block should have three Representatives.
3. Tarun Vohra, (D-7/7) said that a Meditation Committee was essential to address problems between residents.
4. Isobel Grant (D-6/32) highlighted the problems caused by the stray cattle.
5. Mudit Parashar (E-5/6) stressed the necessity of a Builder’s Code. Mr. Rajinder Sethi supported him.
6. Pallavi Narain (D-7/1) wanted a clear distinction in the duties between the VVWA and the Block RWA’s.
7. Sangita Bansal (D-6/7) and Gurbani Singh (D-3/5) highlighted the security issues.
Gurpreet Bindra, President VVWA, thanked all the members for reposing their faith in him and his team. He said, it will always be their endeavor over the next three years to work sincerely and resolve the issues constructively.
The Annual Meeting concluded with Director (Operations), Parul Gaur, thanking everyone for having taken time out and attended the AGM. She also invited everyone to join the Managing Committee for lunch. (Inputs by Maj Gen (R) S P Murgai, AVSM)

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