My wife came home annoyed and flushed with anger. I just saw a lesser being strolling in our society gardens, she said. What are security and bar riers at gate for? Agony! She thundered.
As I stuttered to say something, she glared at me saying don’t you dare sermon me about equality and all that about racism. I said look honey and she said no you look hon; you better do something about these trespassers.
I said but they live in our vicinity, and you are one of those sweet lil’ things who speak so nicely to guards. You mean are our co-residents worse than them? Shut up, she shouted. You know we must put up a façade in front of guards and helpers working in shops and toilet attendants, car cleaners, press person and all that. But that is to create an image about us being so humane, so caring and so sensitive. But co-residents are a different species. Damn the ‘no caste and all human beings are equal’!
But these are ‘us’; these roaming vagabonds as you call them, in our manicured gardens, I said. Yes. They are educated. Can’t they see where they live and where do we?
I said hon, they live in our neighbourhood. But do they live in equally expensive houses? She asked. Their apartments are cheaper than us. Honey, but we used to live in cheaper house before coming here, I ventured.
Don’t you dare, she said looking at me with eyes that could kill, though in ways different from her maiden days. You will spoil our reputation here, she continued. Mrs. Bhaskar has already started to stare at me with that ‘I know your background’ look.
I said but what is her background? Her only qualification is she lives in an eight-crore house left by her in-laws. Her husband is a corrupt businessman, and they have no class. Their only achievement is that expensive apartment.
Well, well… my wife seemed to mellow a bit. Now you are taunting me, I think. Whatever. I want you to block their entry in our society. The darn wretched children of a lesser God in tattered jeans!
I thought to remind her of our humble beginnings but decided against it. After all, ‘Varna-Bhed’ is something to reckon with. You call yourself intellectual and educated? She continued. Don’t you remember our caste system? Even the untouchables in our society had 150 sub-castes where a hunter is of a higher caste and will not eat beside the one who peels its skin because he belongs to a lower class. In turn the peeler will not eat beside a cobbler who makes things from the skin! And so on. You think you are more learned than our sages?
No honey, I said sheepishly. Let the barriers remain.
by Dinesh Kapoor (PH-1, 9810020179)
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