Every battle leaves its scars; in Hamlet, we wore big-bald patches on our lawns as war wounds. Several times, carpets of Avant quality grass had been bought and spread with all due diligence, but the expensive grass would dry or wear-off rather quickly.
So, this monsoon, the horticulture department decided to try loose grass instead of the carpet variety. It was hard work as the soil had to be first loosened; then, each slip of grass manually planted. Further, the area had to be cordoned and this precious patch gently nurtured.
The hard work has been rewarded; you can see verdant greenery where there was naked ground before.
The hibiscus hedge at the T14 tennis court had seen a lot of mortality because of a mealy bug epidemic.It has been replanted and is blooming beautifully.
The breaks in our walking pathways are also being replanted with Ficus hedges.
While the BoM is the power behind all these positive developments, other residents too have volunteered their time and expertise to improve our gardens. We thus have a new bigger horticulture team now.
While the new team gathers to break new ground, it is up to us, the residents, to keep our garden beautiful by being careful when we tread on grass (No spiked shoes please!) and not pluck blooming flowers (Neither God nor neighbours are pleased!).
If we all work together on these goals, we can look forward to a picnic in the garden of Eden coming spring!

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