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Unsung Heroes Of Delhi Fire Service Carry Out 3 Hour Rescue To Save A Stray
Green Park Main & Ext.

Unsung Heroes Of Delhi Fire Service Carry Out 3 Hour Rescue To Save A Stray

In an amazing rescue operation carried out for over 3 hours in K block of Green Park Extension, the Delhi fire service personnel rescued a community stray dog that had gotten stuck inside the gutter.

The three community dogs of K block in Green Park Extension namely Motu, Mighty and Jackie are taken care of by the residents and the vegetable vendor of the area, Manoj bhaiya. It was this vegetable vendor who initially realized that Motu, the oldest of the trio, was missing and nowhere to be found. Incidentally that is how it was realized that some residents had heard a stray dog, mulling and crying at a particular location in K block.

It was then discovered that the dog crying softly, was trapped inside the gutter/storm water drain that was open on one side and closed at the other end. The dog had somehow gotten inside through the narrow opening but was unable to figure out how to turn around and come out.

It was then that the concerned residents along with the vegetable vendor dialed the fire service and requested a rescue. A fire engine entered from gate number 5 of the colony and the rescue operation began. The fire service personnel could see the dog at the other end and thus decided to widen the narrow opening leading into the gutter. They used Steel cutters to cut open the Steel rods and used heavy equipment to break the concrete.

Once the opening was big enough, one service personal crawled halfway inside the gutter, caught hold of the front two legs of the dog, while  his own legs were held outside by his colleagues and that is how the dog was dragged out carefully and lifted onto the road. The traumatized stray lay shivering on the road, unable to stand up for some time. Gradually it stood up and made straight for its water bowl. The poor thing must have been parched for the last three days. It will take him sometime to recover fully from ordeal.

Kudos to the Delhi fire service department and its personnel who show immense humanity and concern in these rescues. For them it is duty before self. We also congratulate all the concerned residents and Samaritans who take care of these stray animals and without whose concern and notice this stray life would have been shortened.
