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Sector 104 Noida

Unnecessary Conversations

Social forums these days are the most happening places in terms of activities. And none more so than the ones formed by housing societies. And of course, if the society itself is as happening as our very own AOH, then obviously the social groups tend to be more active, especially in today’s times with social media having given everyone a right to voice their opinion (no matter how Unnecessary it might be.)

Makes me often wonder that what if those random conversations were mixed together? Let us find out:

Resident A (R-A) (mulling to themselves): It has been a week since I complained about anything anywhere… Let me find something to write about, else how will people know I exist?… *Posts on NBH*… Today I want to complain about the pathetic state of the weather…

What are their highnesses, the AOA doing about it?

R-B sees the post and decides to jump in (a revenge against the AOA for not responding to their earlier post about climate change in Delhi-NCR): Don’t bother asking them. Clearly, they are too busy to even look at these posts. And anyway, they will put the blame on us, for living here.

R-A: Even if they do, they will still have to respond. I await that! They have not responded to anything I have said for 6 months…

R-C: I was going to chime in but I remember now that you have been here only three months!

R-A: …….

R-C: Anyway, I was just going to say that perhaps we should blame the Gods for this!

R-D (seeing a golden chance to push their agenda): And this is exactly why we need a Mandir in the society… How can we please the Gods if we can’t pray to them?

R-C, R-E and so many more: You have a mandir very close. Please go there to offer your prayers. I’m sure a devout person such as yourself will have a mandir at home. We don’t need a mandir here. Anyway, there is hardly any space, even for children to play freely.

R-J (stomping angrily): The children sometimes create such a nuisance! We’ve such lovely parks for children to sit in the grass and all they want to do is play football/ cricket and run around like crazy! How can we let that happen?

R-S: But what good are children’s parks if they can’t play?

R-J: It’s not a question of what they like. It’s a question of Sanskar… Kids these days have too much freedom and are so disrespectful. This is what happens when they are left with maids.

R-M: That’s not true. Maids aren’t all bad. We’ve had one for a few years now. Very good girl. Part of the family. Goes with us on holidays too. We even pay for her ticket and stay.

R-L: Well, it will be harsh of you if you took her on a holiday and made her pay; she clearly wouldn’t have asked for THAT. So, if you’re doing this because you need her help, you don’t need to brag.

R-M: I know what I’m saying and what I’m doing. I’m sharing because everyone should be like this.

R-L: Kind Sir, thank you for your opinion but I don’t think you can impose it on everyone. We all try to do what we can.

R-M *triumphantly*: You can try better by taking your help to Paris, or somewhere fancy 😀

R-Q (not wanting to miss his chance of adding his two cents): You can take your helps wherever you like but they shouldn’t use lifts here. And neither should the dogs. The lifts are for residents.

R-P, R-Q and others in disbelief: What are you saying? How do you expect them to reach higher floors all the time? Through the stairs?

R-Q: Why not? It’s a good cardio exercise!

R-P, R-R and others still in disbelief: I’m amazed that there’s not an iota of humanity in you!

R-Q: Of course, there is, but for humans, not for servants and animals. They are NOT human!

R-P, R-R and others beyond disbelief now…

R-T (in a patronising tone): Speaking of humanity, it’s true that most people here have none. I’ve a help who needed a small gift to give to her boyfriend. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, was willing to come forward to help collect some money for her.

You can collect lacs of rupees for flood victims, for the under-privileged, and for maids who have had major accidents and are immobile, but a paltry sum of 5K can’t be done? It was a question of helping her reinforce her commitment to her boyfriend!

No value for relationships people have these days!

R-V (dryly): If it was so paltry and for YOUR help, why couldn’t you have given her this much on your own?

R-T… Slipping into confused silence…

R-V (with a saintly smile): And now, ladies and gentlemen, all you good souls, please step forward to help these poor people, but only send ME the contribution, as I’ll acknowledge the role you’ve played. =ØÞ

Many R’s gushing: That’s so wonderful to hear!

R-G (meanwhile realizing that the conversation can never be so positive): All that’s fine but these people are so ungrateful! They come here and get spoilt so easily! Honestly, it’s better to give your time to pets; at least they are loyal!

R-L (huffing and puffing): As loyal as they may be to you, they are scary! And if I find them barking at me, I may be compelled to act in self-defence!

R-W (with a snarl): I suppose if mine do bark at you, I’ll be forced to look at you with suspicion as they suspect something isn’t right! God help you if you lay so much as a finger on my baby!

R-L (cowering a little): As I said, if at all I do, it’ll be in self-defence! Anyway, so many of them peeing and pooping all over the place… Makes for a very unpleasant environment!

R-X (angrily interjecting): Let us not even get started on the unpleasant environment! I mean look at the air pollution today, it’s breaking all record and quickly reaching the scalar heights of some small hill stations!

R-A: (thinking to themselves): Oh no! This is what I wanted to outrage about tomorrow… Now I’ll have to hunt for something else…

(This post is a figment of the author’s imagination. However, any resemblance to reality is fully intended!)
