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Unit 39 Organize Plants Buy/ Sell/Exchange Mela & Unit 42 gets to learn about strawberry planting and care from Mahesh Mishra

Unit 39 Organize Plants Buy/ Sell/Exchange Mela & Unit 42 gets to learn about strawberry planting and care from Mahesh Mishra

This month’s meeting had a new excitement as Unit 39 decided to have a Plants buy, sell and exchange mela instead of the usual talk and demonstrations. An excellent initiative by the Convenors.

Members were asked to bring saplings, plants, seeds or any garden-related stuff that was extra or spare. The idea was to Recycle, Reuse, Repot and Relocate. Members were asked to bring the saplings in creative and float new ideas of recycling containers, pots etc. The convenors decided to keep a nominal price for each category and 15% of the sales money to be donated to the unit to fund the Tentwala’s bill. Tokens in different colours were made in the denominations of 10, 20, 50 and 100 by volunteers, Monica Mittal Sekhri and Mona Bhardwaj. Members bought the Tokens in exchange for cash and later redeemed them at the end of the event. Members made brisk sales and there was a lot of excitement among all to buy, sell and exchange plants. The plants seemed happy too, they found new homes and love!

The whole experience was an entertaining activity. Everyone managed to get something or the other. The event ended with hot tea and samosas as always.

The fourth Friday of every month is when Unit 42 meets. This time the topic was “Growing Strawberries and their Care” and the speaker was Mahesh Mishra. He is an expert and enthusiastic speaker and gardener. He gave tips on growing strawberries and answered all queries patiently. Mishra ji had brought some chrysanthemum saplings with him, he gave a small talk about them and later the Unit sold the saplings to the members.

The Convenors started the meeting by applauding the successful soft landing by Chandrayaan 3. To mark the 77th Independence Day prizes were given to, Alka and Reeta for using the Tri colours in their dressing up. Some members brought plants and seeds for distribution and sharing. After a vote of thanks, all members were invited for homemade snacks and drinks. The Convenors of Unit 42 have decided to stay away from fried snacks or the use of tetra packs. They have decided to bring homemade drinks in rotation by members. This will help in reducing landfills and promote healthy snacks and drinks. A wonderful initiative by Unit 42.
