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Sector 30, 31 & 36

Unique Organic Manure To replace Chemical Fertilizers

Use of excessive chemical fertilizers and urea in the past has resulted in extremely serious long-term impacts on the health of the soil of our country. The share of ureain total nitrogen fertilizers has increased up to 82 per cent over the period. However, it has been seen that only 25% to 30% of nitrogen in urea is utilized by the plants, and chemical reactions turn the excess into insoluble sulphates of nitrogen in the soil. Long-term use of urea also makes the soil less porous. Continuous use of urea has completely depleted the soil fertility of our farms. The potential negative impact on agricultural output, along with the resultant loss of employment opportunities in this sector are threats that cannot be ignored.

Unique manure by the decomposition of dry and decaying leaves, fruits, seeds, branches and bodies of dead living beings, has been developed which contains almost all the essential nutrients required for the plants and trees and is easily available. This helps the grower to become ‘Atmanirbhar’ and promotes natural & organic farming as well as supports cow based economy in the rural sector.

Soil is an irreplaceable asset and must be protected and preserved for future generations using organic manure while offering several diverse benefits to our farmers, even beyond soil. Primary nutrients like NPK, organic carbon and secondary nutrients are plentiful. The land will be saved from becoming barren as PH will be stable. Water will also be conserved; there will be no water logging. Environment will be clean, carbon production will be less. Farmer will be able to keep his family healthy by feeding chemical free grains, fruits, vegetables etc. Organic crops do not spoil quickly. Improved quality of agricultural produce – higher nutrient value and better in taste, smell and texture.
