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Unclean Life Is Ungodliness….
Greater Kailash 2

Unclean Life Is Ungodliness….

Cleanliness in our colony needs to be addressed urgently by the concerned departments. It is a very important but neglected area that impacts not just our environment and neighborhood but can also have negative consequences for the society as a whole. Our colony WhatsApp groups are flooded with messages related to dirty backlanes, broken swings, stinking toilets, heaps of garbage, piles of dry leaves at various corners. All this does not speak too high about the efficiencies of the agencies responsible for the clean upkeep of our colony.

All complaints are falling on deaf ears. Our streets are littered with trash and our drains are clogged. There is a foul smell perennially emanating from the public toilets in Sehgal Markets 1 & 2, Chandan Market and even from our plush M Block market toilets. This unhygienic condition is not only unpleasant and unbearable but deplorable too. The houses facing these public toilets are besieged with health issues and these residents can neither open their doors and windows nor can they use their balconies to sit in.

It is the responsibility of residents to keep their surroundings clean as well as of the Government Agencies to do their job effectively and be accountable for it. Through Samvada we would like to appeal to the residents to train their staff against throwing litter in the back lanes and other public aces in the colony. Also, pet owners should use poop scooper from the colony roads and park tracks to improve the aesthetics of our neighborhood and to obviate any health hazard to the residents. At the same time a bigger challenge for authorities is to see that their full task force is in place and work is carried out effectively. We should dispose of waste in a responsible manner and not let it accumulate in the corners of parks, roadsides or outside homes. The day the cleaning process gets rolling in full auto mode we can proudly claim to be a clean and green community.
