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Defence Colony

Two Resident Members Sent the President A Notice Demanding The Fixing Of A Date For The Adjourned AGM

The DCWA adjourned AGM was held on 19 Feb at the Club. Unlike last time a free hand was given to members to discuss various points which were done at length. Out of which only 3 main topics with agendas were possible and discussed. 1. Club Reconstruction by Gen Siddhu 2. Security by Brig Deepak Kapur and 3. Accounts by Rajeev Suri. The MOM was passed and the meeting closed in a hurry as it had exceeded the time limit, and rest of the points could not be taken up, moreover it clashed with a party on the first floor. Amidst much confusion the President first announced the incomplete AGM adjourned then changed it to AGM as closed. As of now no fresh date for the incomplete re- adjourned AGM is forthcoming from the President despite much prodding. However, two resident members have sent the President a notice demanding the fixing of a date for the adjourned AGM as per her initial announcement of AGM adjourned.
