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Sector 15A Noida

Two Non-Resident Executive Committee Members Give Out-of-Turn Membership to Their Own Children

Resident Committee Members Divided Against the Issue

Four months ago, in the July 2023 issue of Samvada, we carried an article asking why the Club committee had raised membership rates. We wrote that it could be to keep the non-residents membership window open.

We were not wrong, because last month two non-resident executive members used their influence to make their children members, bypassing the waiting list.

We believe four resident executive committee members raised objections in the CMC meeting, highlighting the violation of Club norms. However, their concerns were overruled by the non-resident executive committee members who justified their actions, stating, “This is how we do it.” The President and Club Secretary had to comply with the non-resident executive committee members, presumably for some form of obligation or support.

It is concerning that the non-resident executive committee members’ control could potentially lead to residents losing control over our own Club’s management. We suggest that in future resident members should now vote for one united party, avoiding split decisions in order to maintain control.

This situation highlights issues of transparency, fairness, and the power dynamics within the Club’s executive committee. Resident members should unite and raise an objection in the next AGM to prevent losing control of the management of our neighbourhood Club.
