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Twinkling 2023

Twinkling 2023

Ring out the old,
Ring in the new,
May this year 2023,
Wipe out differences and bring unity.

The fairies and fortune of the year,
May shower wellbeing and welfare,
On all the living beings sharing our planet,
Thus making it a paradise on earth.

All traces of evil pandemic,
may be swept out and vanish,
Retrieving their hold on old and weaklings,
Leaving humanity to breathe in peace!!

May this mighty 2023,
Calm natures fury and restore its quality,
Bringing gradual change in climate,
Fixing global warming and pollution right!!

May all of us take a resolution,
To restore natures foundation,
To preserve its original flavour and texture
And pass on to generation next as a noble gesture.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year!!

Mythily Govindan



Typos courtesy iPad
