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Trashy Lamps!
Sector 104 Noida

Trashy Lamps!

A unique phenomenon caught my attention on a chilly winter night. I was out for my night walk & felt that the light in one of the decorative fibre pot lamps that adorn our lawns seemed to have a strange glow! Curiosity getting the better of Moi, I approached that lamp and peeped in – expecting some flicker/ glitch.

What I saw was almost disgusting to the point of irritating! These decorative lamps had become spots of trash collection! No doubt, residents, with chips packets, soft drink bottles and more, would have been munching; when it was time to throw the packets, obviously, from the middle of any lawn, the tower dustbins would have been too long a walk to venture towards; so this was a more convenient alternative.

At least the trash was not thrown in the lawns, we should be grateful! More curious though, is that in some of the pots, the plastic cover which some good Samaritan must have put to prevent such ‘accidents’ was actually torn to make way for the Lays and Lahori Jeera packets! Imagine the effort!
