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Transformer Catches Fire
Defence Colony

Transformer Catches Fire

The Prevailing heat conditions led to another incident of a electric transformer catching fire situated in D block of Defence Colony. The reason as given by DGM BSES RK Yadav was the overdrawing of electricity by houses to cater to the warm weather with ACs working full time

The fire was first noticed by the resident Sherry singh who played a pivotal role in getting logistics arranged to get the fire extinguished.

Major Ranjit called  up the fire brigade and Col Nagrani and his RWA security team reached with fire extinguishers to douse the fire which could only be controlled with the help of Fire brigade. It took an hour for the fire personnel to get the fire under control which ultimately succeded . The BSES team disconnected the transformer and by god grace no major damage happened except the transformer being totally burned leaving the sorrounding areas with no light. Later BSES men worked to get a mobile transformer to reinstate electricity.

A word of appreciation goes to Sherry Singh, our super woman lady resident, who  intiated the safety process and the fire could  be controlled.

Also thanks to DGM BSES Yadav and his team for there timely action in disconnecting the supply and lastly fellow residents who gave an helping hand and our RWA guards.
